Setting up a semester collection
All lecturers can set up one or several collections which compile course-related literature and other media for the duration of a term. Applicants may add either print or electronic books from the library collection, as well as their own materials. Reserve collections are intended for on-campus use only. The physical media stored there may not be checked out while they are included in a reserve collection.
A one-time written registration is required to set up reserve collections. Lecturers may request additional reserve collections via an informal e-mail by prodiving the titles of the desired key texts (including information on the author and the book’s library signature) and the name of the reserve collection. The reserve collections will be dissolved approximately 14 days after lectures have ended, except when lecturers request an extension.
Each reserve collection may contain up to 30 physical items, with no more than 1 copy of the same book. Lecturers may include an unlimited number of electronic books from the library holdings in the collection. Lecturers who choose to add their own materials to the collections do so at their own risk and will be held liable for any loss of or damage to said materials. Applicants need to hand in loose materials such as photocopies in a folder, which must be labeled with the number of the collection. Preferably, the library's reference copies should be placed in a reserve collection before other copies. Journals and loose-leaf services cannot be added to reserve collections.
In order to ensure that a reserve collection is set up at the beginning of the lecture period, the library must receive a list of the titles of the books to be added to the shelf. This list should include the name of the lecturer and the course title. Lecturers should submit such lists no later than 4 weeks before the start of the term.
The list of books to be added must include information regarding:
library signatures
book titles
Library personel will remove the selected items from the stacks and reserve any checked out books for the collection. Media added to the collection cannot be checked out.
Reserve collections will be dissolved 14 days after lectures have concluded.
Lecturers‘ own materials (folders, etc.) will be deposited at the library's service desk for pickup.
Lecturers can request extensions by e-mail or telephone. Extension requests must reach the library by the last day of lectures at the latest.